Happiness Index

The happiness index rating in Iceland is 4 because mostly everyone has a job and everyone has education only 2% does not. Iceland is one of the safest countries because crime is non-existent there. The healthcare system is largely paid for by taxes and to some extent by service fees also most people have health cards like Canada.

Career. Ed

             hair dresser

Hair dressers duties are to buy shampoos, conditioners and hair die. Hair Dressers have to cut, die and style peoples hair in order to change a person’s image.

 Hair dressers usually needs a high school award to a cosmetology school to be a hair dresser.

Hair dressers make $26,460 per year and $12.72 per hour.

Important skills a hairdresser needs:

  • Creativity       
  • Hair styling skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Openness to learning new ideas and techniques
  • Cleanliness and personal grooming
  • Maintaining a tactful friendly manner

I find this career interesting because I am really good at styling hair and I really wanted to know more about hair dressers and what they really do.

  1. Sources –https://myjobsearch.com/careers/hair-stylist.html and
  2.   https://www.careerexplorer.com/careers/hairdresser/ 

Family Tradition

One of my family tradition is we always go to my grandmas house for Christmas. We also Open presents with my family and have dinner with them. We always go to my grandmas house one day before Christmas to help her cook the dinner. we also open present at her house that my mom gets us on Christmas morning before my family comes. Before Christmas me and my sisters helps my grandma decorate her Christmas tree. For the dinner we always have mashed potatoes,salad,ham,jello,pie,ice cream,peas and a lot more of stuff.